Case Ditails

Case Name The slab-type objects fell during concrete installation.
Date 1976
Place Fukuoka Prefecture
Location Construction work
Overview This failure is a case in a construction work.
The slab-type object fell during concrete installation and it was nearly a terrible accident.
Incident The slab-type object fell under concrete installation.
Sequence During the construction work, a slab-type frame fell during concrete installation and it became nearly a terrible accident. ( for cost of repairing : \ 3 million )
Cause Mold maker should be supported two object, but it had been only single position which fallen.
Response After the falling part had been removed, molds was constructed in frame timber supported two position, and the concrete was recanted.
Countermeasures 1) The confirmation of drawings in the prior review meeting.
2) The full confirmation by the manager.
3) The completeness of the education to workers.
Knowledge Comment The importance of the prior review meeting.
The importance of the confirmation.
The importance of the education.
Reason for Adding to DB This accident would have been a large-scale disaster, if someone had taken one wrong step.
Primary Scenario Ignorance of Procedure, Disregard of Procedure, Insufficient Analysis or Research, Insufficient Prior Research, Poor Concept, Poor Strategy or Concept, Organizational Problems, Inflexible Management Structure, Organizational Problems, Poor Management, Usage, Maintenance/Repair, Regular Operation, Erroneous Operation, Failure, Fracture/Damage, Loss to Organization, Economic Loss, Loss to Organization, Social Loss
Sources KUMAGAI GUMI CO.,LTD Kyushu branch failure example utilization workshop.
Number of Deaths 0
Number of Injuries 0
Field Civil Engineering
Author Fujimoto Masaru (KUMAGAI GUMI Co., Ltd.)