Case Ditails

Case Name Slipping on the stair.
Date February 17, 2000
Place The Takane Cave in Inuyama City, Aichi Prefecture.
Location The prefabricated scaffold of the abutment.
Overview It happened in a civil engineering site in the winter.
It was the Hiyarihatto example that the frost fell on the stair in the prefabricated scaffold of the abutment, and the supervisor who intended to climb the stair slipped, and he almost slipped off the stair.
Incident He slipped on the stair in the erection scaffold where frost has formed, and he almost fell from the stair.
Sequence In the afternoon in winter the supervisor intended to climb the stair in erection scaffold, which was not used on that day, in order to survey the site.
But the frost from that morning did not melt, and he slipped and almost fell.
Cause * The temperature was lower than usual.
* It was not estimated that the frost had not melted.
* The anti-skid was not attached to the stair.
* The inspection before using was not carried out.
* The non fulfillment of the KY activity.
* The lack of safety consciousness.
Response Getting rid of the frost with a broom or something.
Countermeasures * The strict enforcement of the inspection before using the equipment ( pointing the finger and calling the name ).
* Enforcing the KY activity strictly.
* Enhancing the safety consciousness ( enriching the safety and sanitation education ).
Knowledge Comment * The erection scaffold in winter is slippery.
* Slipping and falling are bases of the catastrophe.
* Not only workers but also supervisors encounter accidents.
* KY and pointing the finger and calling the name are bases for safety ( Act after first of all KY and then pointing the finger and calling the name ! ).
Background * It was a cold day, but the work began from the afternoon.That was why the frost should have melted, if it had been usual.
* As the man was not only a worker but the supervisor, he began the work without KY.
* He never imagined that he would slip, as it is the erection scaffold for safety.
* He overestimated that it was no problem, as he was the supervisor.
* Not doing risk assessment of the dangerous factors and working safely education for the work on the cold day in winter.
Incidental Discussion Falling by slipping, stumbling, and so on is usual. But men's falling in the construction site is a bud of the danger which is connected with accidents of falling, dropping, and turning upside down.
Reason for Adding to DB Because I think that it is useful to decrease in the accidents of falling and slipping which are seemed to connect with huge man-made disasters.
Primary Scenario Poor Value Perception, Poor Safety Awareness, Poor Response to Change in Environment, Change in Environment, Misjudgment, Misjudgment of Situation, Regular Operation, Erroneous Operation, Possible Damage, Near Miss
Sources Near Miss examples of the Co.,Ltd. Ichi-tech
Multimedia Files Fig2.temporary stair
Field Civil Engineering
KUNISHIMA, Masahiko (The University of Tokyo)