
01. Organizational Problems
02. Poor Management
03. Slackness of Management
04. Poor Value Perception
05. Poor Safety Awareness
06. Inadequate Risk Recognition
07. Carelessness
08. Insufficient Understanding
09. Insufficient Recognition of Risk
10. Malicious Act
11. Rule Violation
12. Safety Rule Violation
13. Failure
14. Large-Scale Damage
15. Sink
16. Loss to Organization
17. Economic Loss
18. Direct Monetary Damage 28 million yen

Sinking of a floating roof due to inundating of pontoons and retained rain-water on the roof at a floating roof naphtha tank
Case Details

Knowledge Comment:
A floating roof of a floating roof tank can float by buoyancy. The roof sinks by accumulation of water on the roof and in pontoons.The cleaning on the roof is absolutely required.

Field Chemicals and Plants
Author DOBASHI, Ritsu (School of Engineering, The University of Tokyo)
TAMURA, Masamitsu (Center for Risk Management and Safety Sciences, Yokohama National University)