Nuclear Power
- Steam Eruption from Nuclear Power Plant Cooling System. (2004)
- Emergency shutdown caused due to ignition of bearing insulation of a steam turbine at a nuclear power plant (2002)
- Trouble hiding of Atomic Power Plant (2002)
- Accident caused due to a critical phenomenon of nuclear fission at the JCO uranium-processing plant (1999)
- Fire and explosion caused due to an abnormal reaction at treatment facilities to solidify radioactive wastes (1997)
- Leakage of Sodium Coolant from Secondary Cooling Loopin Prototype Fast Breeder Reactor MONJU (1995)
- Fire caused due to leakage of molten sodium (a cooling agent) from piping for a cooling system at a fast breeder reactor (1995)
- Leakage of primary coolant at Mihama Unit 2 due to failure of SG tube (1991)
- The guillotine breaking of the secondary piping in nuclear power plant (1986)
- Chernobyl Accident (1986)
- Three Mile Island Nuclear Accident (1979)
- Radiation Leaks from Nuclear Power Ship "Mutsu" (1974)
- Burst of Steam Turbine Rotor in Nuclear Power Plant (1969)