- BSE (Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy) / Mad Cow Disease (2001)
- Mass Food Poisoning Caused by Snow Brand Dairy Products (2000)
- Fire in an alcohol container which fell in a workshop and contents ignited with heat (1992)
- Explosion of Liquefied Nitrogen Storage Tank by Closing Shutoff Valve for Safety Valve (1992)
- Explosion and fire caused due to insufficient purging during inspection work on a continuous extractor (1991)
- Alcohol leakage from underground piping (1991)
- Explosion at a rotating filter caused due to high oxygen concentration generated from operation with defective monitoring instrument (1989)
- Spontaneous ignition of unsaturated fats and oils (peanut inner skin) stored for a long time (1986)
- Contamination of rice bran oil with PCB used as the heating medium by leakage through penetration holes at the heating coil tube in deodorization chamber (1968)